© Copyright 2024 Old Mission. All rights reserved. Services are provided in the U.S. by Old Mission Capital LLC and Old Mission Markets LLC, both SEC-registered broker dealers and members of FINRA (www.finra.org). Each of these entities is a wholly owned subsidiary of Old Mission Group LLC. This material is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or other financial instrument.


Old Mission partners with the industry’s most sophisticated institutional investors to provide competitive pricing for many ETFs, listed options, and fixed income securities.


Pricing and liquidity

We help customers efficiently transfer risk, putting our own capital on the line each day. We specialize in taking short- and long-term positions in instruments other market makers can’t or won’t, bringing our quantitative trading expertise and unrivaled prices directly to the buy side.

Collaborative and accessible

We’re transparent about who we are and how we work. Our customer-centric and unpretentious culture greatly benefits our clients, who find that our approachable team provides a service level and willingness to problem-solve that offers a unique value proposition to their execution workflow.

Your trusted partner

We are committed to building a long-term partnership with the issuer and institutional investment communities through our unconflicted business model. We have taken great care to ensure that our interests are fully aligned with those of our clients.